Friday 10 June 2022

Calotropis - The Medicinal Weed

 Calotropis is primarily harvested owing to its distinctive medicinal properties. It is commonly referred to as ark, swallow-wart or milkweed. It is frequently found in Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Indian subcontinent as wasteland weed. Calotropis belongs to the Ark or Asclepiadaceae intimates and is mostly loan across in the tropics and sub-tropics and rarely in the cool regions of the world. The ark forest taking into account white flowers is a progressive variety and is referred to as Calotropis procera whilst the one subsequent to lavender color flowers is referred to as Calotropis gigantea. Its milky latex is wealthy in lupeol, calotropin, calatoxin and uscharin.

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The forest is toxic and is one of the few natural world not consumed by the grazing animals. Due to its toxicity the latex extracted from the stem was traditionally used to make poison arrows. The extracts from alternating parts of the ark reforest are of much healing value. The summative reforest behind dried and consumed is a pleasurable tonic, antihelmintic and an expectorant. The roots furthermore mammal endowed once same qualities serves as an energetic laxative. Traditionally the dried root is powdered and effectively used to cure bronchitis, asthma, leprosy, eczema and elephantiasis. The ark latex is processed and finds use in treating vertigo, baldness, hair drop, tooth aches, intermittent fevers, rheumatoid /joint swellings and paralysis. Leaves of ark are fuming in oil and are of much medicinal value in treating joint demonstrative and in understandable its boil. Besides Ayurveda, Homeopathy as well as makes use of Calotropis as medicine. The discordant latex extracted from the leaves and flowers of Calotropis procera is processed and used in the advertisement preparation of eye tonics. The alcoholic extracts of the nature have known to induce spermicidal and down-microbial properties as dexterously. Study upon the ovariectomized female rats subsequent to the alcoholic extract of Calotropis procera is known to simulate the estrogenic to-do in the reproductive track. This was evident from the increased protein content and increased uterine weight of the set sights on animal knocked out investigation. In count there was alteration in the biochemical feel of the track which probably leads to antifertility.

The inner bark of Calotropis is used to make hermetically sealed fibers called madar and is used to make weave carpets, ropes, sewing thread and fishing nets.

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